sstone's blog

Monday, August 16, 2004

I feel like I'm seeing a friend die twice. When we were both 28, my best friend died of a very rare form of cancer. I was in shock the whole time she was sick--I didn't do nearly enough for her-- I have many, many regrets. Her husband remarried a couple of years later, and now wife #2 who has become a friend, is battling cancer, too! Dejavu all over again. Only this time I'm older and wiser. Or am I? I haven't done near enough for her, although I pray for her daily. I don't know quite what to say, even if I AM a nurse. Deep down am I afraid? Afraid to say something awkward, afraid I will once again be close to someone I know will be taken away? I have expressed my love and concern for her, and tried to be a good listener. It's not enough.
I try not to dwell on regrets, but will always have many. I regret that I have not allowed myself to grow closer to more people, to really know their whole stories, to allow them to know me in all my struggles and weaknesses. I regret that I didn't spend more time with Carolyn before she died. May I never have that regret regarding Mariann.
Today I had my right knee injected, and came to an agreement with the doctor that it needs to be "scoped". Getting old is not fun (of course my left knee is just as old and is fine!) But aging is better than the alternative. I think.
Sometimes I am jealous of Carolyn, thinking how she is just sitting at Jesus' feet and doesn't have to mess with struggles, regret, disease or questions.


  • At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so tired of being defeated before we've begun in the church. God wants us to believe for healing and I truly believe that unbelief is the reason your friend is not healed. I know her myself and know that God desires to heal her. We need to go boldly and daringly and move this mountain. This illness is straight from the devil and it isn't God will in any way.

    I'm changing the whole way I think and I'm getting the mind of Christ so I won't think in human terms any more but largly like he does. I'm beliving for a miracle because they are as relevant today as they were yesterday. Praise the Lord. Help our unbelief.

  • At 9:14 AM, Blogger Val said…

    I disagree with the statement on unbelief unless it refers to our human understanding of what "healing" really is. As for me, I know there is a struggle between the body wanting to maintain its surroundings while the soul yearns for its destiny, but I think fear and grief in the face of disease is not choosing sides in that battle. My hope is built on Jesus and His purpose for my soul, not my body. In this world we WILL have trouble, but our hope is in the One who has overcome the world.

  • At 9:36 PM, Blogger mezzonurse said…

    thanks, Val. I had not paid much attention to that first comment. If our physical healing depended on just believing hard enough, many people would never die, I guess. We are all going to end this earthly life some way. I do not believe that God intended for us to be free of disease or troubles of any kind on this earth, but for these "light and momentary troubles" to bring us closer to his side. I don't think He ever promised to make us happy in our mortal bodies, but for these lives to bring Him glory.
    Somehow I feel like I'm not making sense. It's past my bedtime. ss


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