sstone's blog

Monday, July 18, 2005

What an honor!

I found out that the speech I'm giving is to be in THE Board Room. The one with a huge granite table that was brought in and then the building built around it. Oddly enough all that separates it from my recovery is a regular wall. But it is like the distance from the gentiles' court to the Holy of Holys. I am getting really excited, and know I have a good speech ready. Like the guy in Jerry McGuire, I hope to have them in the palm of my hand by the end of the introduction.
They'll all be in tears and say "you had me from Hello". Or I'll get nervous and trip over my words and fall flat on my face.
I'm mostly just so honored that I was asked. It occurs to me that this could mean I'll be asked to do more public speaking if all goes well, and in recent years this would have been probably my worst nightmare.

One of the purposes or goals of a Walk to Emmaus is to train Christians for leadership. I guess this is happening, since my walk in 1998, even though the increase in my comfort with leadership has been sneaking up on me.


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