sstone's blog

Friday, July 29, 2005


I have friends and acquaintances who can't seem to get enough of partying. That's ok, but not my favorite thing. Now that I'm an "empty-nester" I am enjoying peace and quiet more and more. No TV. Hope the phone doesn't ring. Quiet music in the background (either classical or Christian). A good book or pad and pen. Or nothing. Quiet dinners with Hubby.

Yesterday was one of those soul-refreshing times. A whole day off work. A whole afternoon at the State Park to enjoy the quiet. It was a wonderfully cool July day and not another person was out walking in the rain that I could tell. The deer loved it and grazed out in the open, enjoying the safety of the park. Those fawns are so cute. I took the nature trail that is so familiar to me. My umbrella not only kept me dry but fended off those pesky spider webs. For that leg of the journey, that's all I carried. I found a slightly soggy bench half way and just sat to listen. So many birds! An occasional armadillo foraging for whatever it is they forage for. I can't say that God talked to me, but just to be in His presence is awesome.
I congratulated myself later on my ability to find shelter from the increasing rain. One of the restrooms has a large back porch, and that's where I parked my lounge chair. My Bible, my current Yancy book, a snack and Emmaus Agape craft in my bag, I settled in. Still no people around. I'm telling you, it doesn't get any better than that. For a while.
Five hours after I arrived, three more nature trails, 10 needlepoint crosses completed, one book nearly finished, and I was ready to leave. I think maybe my tank is full for the time being. On ordinary days I don't ever seem to have enough time for just sitting and thinking and listening to God, though.
I don't think I'll ever convince those friends and acquaintances that solitude is refreshing. Maybe they don't want to hear what God says...


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