sstone's blog

Friday, September 30, 2005

musical evening

I made it my priority to attend a fundraiser concert last night. Sitting up was my only problem, I had to keep shifting to keep moderately comfortable. But I am so glad I went. Ran into several friends. I almost melted when Eric Wilson played "Danny Boy"( or whatever the correct name of the tune is) on his Sax. It was worth every penny I donated to Katrina/Rita relief. I have his CD of Christmas tunes. Absolutely wonderful. He makes it sound like liquid silk.

Several faculty and advanced students sang a couple of songs in German. About 20 of them. Highest quality vocal ensemble I've been privileged to hear. Look forward to their performance of "Messiah" next year. There were other faculty members of the three local universities strutting their stuff on instruments and arias. So glad I live in this town. It's so easy to get quality entertainment.


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