sstone's blog

Friday, August 26, 2005


I found my article on-line. It probably will be in the next issue of the Baptist Standard.

Well, I've gone ahead and scheduled my surgery. Bummer.

I had a laminectomy in 1990. This is post-laminectomy syndrome (which no one warned me about) which is where the disc space eventually collapses where they took out the herniated disc. (isn't gravity and age a wonderful combination?) I also have a cyst on the facet joint on the next level higher (an inflammatory process like arthritis), which means fusing 3 vertebrae together with plates and screws. OUCH! I hate it that I have to hurt more in order to eventually hurt less.
The timing might have been better if this could have been put off till January, but I had such a hard day at work Tuesday and could barely get into the car. I just decided right then that it had to be done. I had already spoken with the surgeon and he had told my primary care doc that he thought I should go ahead and have the surgery, but I didn't feel ready yet. Well, now I'm ready. I'm even banking my own blood. "donated" one unit yesterday and one more next week.
As it turns out, the timing is actually pretty good. I am about to be in full swing in a new season for the Classical Chorus. The surgery will be the day after our second rehearsal of the year. I'll probably only miss one rehearsal, and will be able to practice and learn my music at my leisure over the next month or so, since I won't return to work for 6 to 8 weeks. I should be in pretty good shape by the time the holidays roll around. We'll have 3 concerts in Nov. and Dec. Hope to be walking without a walker by October. Can't drive for at least 3 weeks post-op.

BTW--the article was a result of a speech I was asked to give in July for a committee of the Board of Trustees of the hospital. It was very nicely edited by Bruce Lampert. I had no acknowledgment that it actually had been accepted into the publication. Just decided to look it up, and there it was! Maybe it will be in the next print issue, or just be on-line.


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