sstone's blog

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Well, today's sermon was on having humility or lack of pride. Not recognizing when I have pride is part of my problem. Am I being proud that I have arranged for this surgery? I didn't think so, but found myself being upset with people a couple of times this weekend who were concerned that I might find other options, including divine healing. I don't think I have enough faith, or is it that I am too proud to accept things out of my control? Can I not accept that my arrangements might not be the perfect ones? But that is the only way right now I can have any peace with the "fact" that someone is going to be carving on my back, and using a Black&Decker screwdriver to place screws and plates in my back. Just to trust God that he has answered my prayers for guidance. That He will direct my paths. That whatever the outcomes of the surgery, even if I die from it, will be for his Glory!


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