sstone's blog

Friday, March 10, 2006

Spring Break

Spring Break is here.
I am 90% out of that loop. No kids in school, no official connection with any schools, except that they’re all around me and they’re all on spring break next week. But I am affected indirectly quite a lot.
My son’s taking his last undergrad spring break, leaving in the morning for a Disk Golfing tour of Disk Golf courses east of here, all the way to the Atlantic. I don’t get to go along and that is fine with me. 10 days with 8 or 10 guys in their early 20's is fun for THEM.
ACU is going to be largely deserted. That means the music building will be locked most of the time. I really can’t practice well here at home. I go to the music building several times a week usually, and need to keep up that habit for the next 6 months, until my recital, at least.
The biggest bummer is that several of my coworkers are taking spring break off. We will have a low census at work all week, and that’s well and good, but I have to do all the work! They’re all off spring-breaking and I’m working. What’s wrong with that picture? Well, pay-back time is coming soon. I’ll have a two week vacation in May and one week in July. Most of my co-workers don’t get as much PTO, but I have seniority. Whoopee. There is something to be said for getting old.


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