sstone's blog

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I sat with a friend Thurs. nite at a piano recital, mentioned that I would be singing in that same hall in 7 months. I said I was beginning to worry about the financial aspects of the recital. Without hesitation, she said"Get Sponsors!" I hadn't ever considered such a thing. But I am now! I'll approach a friend in Community Relations at my hospital tomorrow to see what she thinks about either underwriting my recital or sponsoring partially. If she cannot agree with this, I will go to many of my friends who have small businesses to solicit their help. The expenses could individually be sponsored, such as my friend's bakery could give me a discount on the cookies and I could mention in my program that the cookies are "Courtesy of ___Bakery". My hairdresser could give me a free cut for a mention in my program. I hope this can work out. Otherwise this will be a financial hardship, and I don't want to be worried about anything but singing well. Speaking of...things are coming right along! I think my voice is better and better. Hope my audience thinks so too.


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