sstone's blog

Monday, August 13, 2007

so sad

My heart is heavy today. There's a dark cloud hovering over our work place. I often see my friends in tears or find myself weeping softly. A coworker my age, with whom I've worked many years, is dying. We had worked side by side only a couple of months ago. Then suddenly she was diagnosed with blockage of both carotid arteries. She had the first one cleaned out about a month ago and did just fine. Then Friday the second surgery was done to remove the blockage and she had terrible complications. She has never awakened from the surgery. She has had a massive stroke and is essentially comatose. I am having a tough time with it all. I hate to see her husband in anguish, and can hardly stand to think of her grand son losing her. He's only 9 and has partly been raised by his granny. But I already miss my friend! I seriously doubt that she'll recover from this. But I still pray for a myricle. Dear Lord, heal her....


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