I just came in from the most unusual wedding I've ever attended. I got to sing, but was only in a quratet leading the congregation in two songs. "You Have Turned MY Mourning into Dancing" was one of them, and the theme for the wedding.
My friend Darell married again after he and his new wife have both been widowed about 2-1/2 years. It was a casual wedding, many people in jeans. The bride just wore a nice skirt and shirt, the groom wore jeans. Their children and their spouses stood up for them, three of them holding babies. So I guess that was about 14 people all standing at the front. The chairs were set up in the large atrium at our church, with tables decorated and ready to have those chairs brought around them after the vows. A son of each of them "officiated", the vows were simple and profound. When Jeremy asked Darell to say "I Do" he kissed Annette first and hugged her and said "I Do" in the embrace. I haven't cried at a wedding so much in years.
As I had posted a month or so ago, this groom was married to my college best friend who died when we were 28. I got to know his second wife just before she became sick with cancer, and grew to love her through that long illness. At the reception today, Annette said, "We NEED to become good friends!" That was exactly what I had been thinking. She seems to be a real, genuine, down to earth neat Christian lady. I can just feel good things for both of us in our future.
Hubby and I didn't get up and dance in the reception, but we're making plans to go out to a country dance held every Friday, with about 6 other couples that were at the wedding today.