sstone's blog

Friday, September 30, 2005

musical evening

I made it my priority to attend a fundraiser concert last night. Sitting up was my only problem, I had to keep shifting to keep moderately comfortable. But I am so glad I went. Ran into several friends. I almost melted when Eric Wilson played "Danny Boy"( or whatever the correct name of the tune is) on his Sax. It was worth every penny I donated to Katrina/Rita relief. I have his CD of Christmas tunes. Absolutely wonderful. He makes it sound like liquid silk.

Several faculty and advanced students sang a couple of songs in German. About 20 of them. Highest quality vocal ensemble I've been privileged to hear. Look forward to their performance of "Messiah" next year. There were other faculty members of the three local universities strutting their stuff on instruments and arias. So glad I live in this town. It's so easy to get quality entertainment.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

How Cool

Exciting news!
My Wineskins version of my Christian Nursing article has been accepted into the october issue of Wineskins. That's only on-line at this point in time, but still a thrill for me.
It's a very nice magazine, trying to stretch the boundaries that have seperated denominations.

Monday, September 26, 2005


The surgery went well! I now have my three lower lumbar vertebrae fused into one with the help of plates and screws and a "cage" between 4&5 that has some of my bone from my pelvic bone stuffed inside it. The surgery took about 3-1/2 hours. I had the perfect nurse anesthetist--arranged for her to put me to sleep 2 weeks before the surgery. She used a slightly smaller ET tube to protect my vocal cords. I didn't even wake up with a sore throat.
The first couple of days were the worst. I couldn't even turn myself in bed. But then gradually better every day. I was walking the full length of the hall and around the corner before I left the hospital. Got home a week ago yesterday afternoon.
I don't even have to go back to see my surgeon for another month. He said I could basically do anything that doesn't hurt, except no lifting of 10 pounds or more. In the detailed printed instructions, he said that by the time I come back for the follow up, I should be walking 1 or 2 blocks a day. I'll be doing more like 1 or 2 miles a day by then. I already am walking all the way down our block, which is actually more like 2 blocks by the house numbers.

Hope to go to Chorus practice tonight. Only missed one rehearsal.

I've got plenty of books to read, only problem is I read slowly and sometimes drift off to sleep while on Lortab.

I could hardly get to sleep last night for thinking of a book I could write. I will sit and jot down all those ideas today. (Of course, I should have jotted them down while they were swirling around in my mind last night!) I now have 2 published articles (whoo hoo!!) and had a hard time keeping them short enough. So Maybe I can write a book. I have enough interesting and funny things about my nursing career to fill a small book. Of course it's all in my head right now, and must be dredged up and enhanced "fictionalized" a lot. Can hardly wait to get started. But sitting at my computer is the hard part right now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Today I am, above many times in my life, most blessed!
In 90 minutes I'll leave my house which, although the foundation has a crack in it, is a perfect house for my husband and me. I'll leave it full of material blessings, some which mean a lot to me and some which I'll sell in a garage sale in a couple of months or give away. I'll carry a small suitcase with provisions to keep me clothed and comfortable for a few days. This is more than many people have on any day.
I'll leave the house in the capable hands of my husband, who is a great blessing to me. He will accompany me and hold my hand and just be there for me.

I'll leave to make the short trip ( a blessing) to my hospital of choice. This is where I work ( a blessing), but today I don't have to do any work (HUGE blessing). I will place myself in the capable hands of friends and acquaintances whom I trust. I am capable of walking into the hospital. Just a little limp on the right leg. I am confident that the surgeon will be able to fix what is hurting me and that I will return to my home in a few days with the potential of no pain in the fairly near future.

I have SO MANY people who love me and are praying for me this morning!! How could I make it without them? But the fact that we all have a father to whom we are not only allowed to pray, but who longs to hear our prayers is the greatest blessing of all. The fact that He has called me his daughter, a princess and loves me beyond all measure, is more than I can grasp. But its true.

I am not seriously worried about the outcome of the surgery or anesthesia in these modern times (a blessing). However, if something should happen that does not meet my expectations and I end up with one of those possible complications that are listed on the surgery permit, God will bless me anyway. Should I never even awaken from the peaceful sleep induced in me, I will be blessed in other magnificent ways. This old body is not going to hide my spirit in it many more years anyway.

Actually, the best outcome for today would be if Jesus would choose around 10:30 this morning to return to earth and sweep us up to Heaven. I'd "settle" for that blessing.